Protect Your Credit Card Safety

The safety of your credit card when using a phone sex service depends on several factors, including the security measures of the website you are using, your online safety habits, and the security measures of the bank that issues your card.

Find A Safe Phone Sex Service

There are several things a phone sex service should do to protect your data.

Check over the website deeply BEFORE you impulsively call. Read it carefully and ask yourself if it feels professional. A quality service puts a lot of effort into their website.

A company with a “transparent” website is operating a legitimate business. This means they professionally share information about the company and include the legal terms and conditions, the billing name, contact information, and explain how it operates in detail.

Look for a Customer Service number, or some means of contact just in case you encounter a problem with the service.

Only use a company that operates with a genuine merchant account. This means you are at risk using Paypal, CashApp, Venmo, and other payment options used by “individuals” rather than a “business”. None of those options even ALLOW adult transactions, and your account may be closed for using them for adult purchases. Payments this way are risky because too much trust is involved. Stick with professional companies.

If each operator is directly dialed with her own phone number… It’s important to find out how your information is transferred from her to the company for processing. There are still companies using email to send credit card data. Scary huh? Remember that using a direct dial phone sex service means that YOUR information is only as protected as each operator’s computer is protected. This is so often overlooked. Every operator should have to follow a protocol with virus protection and firewalls.

If you fill out a form online to make a payment you need to make sure of the following and to find out how your credit card is stored.

Legitimate websites will use a variety of security measures to protect your credit card information, such as:

HTTPS: HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a secure version of the HTTP protocol used to transfer data between your web browser and a website. HTTPS encrypts your data so that it cannot be intercepted by third parties.

SSL certificate: An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that verifies the identity of a website. You can check for an SSL certificate by looking for a lock icon in the address bar of your web browser.

PCI compliance: PCI compliance refers to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, which is a set of security standards that businesses must adhere to when processing credit card payments.

Your online safety habits have a huge impact on your safety. Here are a few suggestions that apply to phone sex callers.

Stick with or obtain 1 credit card to use for phone sex services. Chime is a great option for keeping calls to a budget.

Stick with 1 phone sex company at a time. Too often callers can use multiple companies or operators all over the place and can’t be sure what billing name goes with which business.  This is very important to know in case of a billing issue.

Look at your statements. This sounds like your mother perhaps… but don’t spend money on anything without checking your charges!

Eventually, you will find 2 or at best 3 operators you click with and like. Stick with them as long as you are billed properly.

Never pay using Paypal or other services straight to an operator. See above, adult services are not allowed. You have no recourse to complain if overcharged without losing your account.

Always ask HOW credit card information is stored. Get the details. Don’t forget about PCI Compliance. There are rules a company has to follow.

These are only a few suggestions. Protecting your own credit card data is as important as knowing how it is protected by any company you make purchases with. Being an informed “shopper” in general is always a good idea.


How Long Should a Phone Sex Session Be?

phone sex


Sometimes new clients ask for the phone sex operator’s suggestion on how long a phone sex session should be. There is no correct answer to this because it really depends on you.

Phone sex is a highly individualized experience but it’s also a financial one. My honest suggestion to anyone who may be new to phone sex or trying out a new operator for the very first time… is to always opt for the shortest amount of time. You want to make sure you are billed properly and correctly, and that you also connect well with the operator. But for a future call, you may want to do a more complex role-play, a fantasy, or even talk longer in general.

So, let’s go back to our question how long should a phone sex session be? I’m going to give you the guidelines I suggest to clients on the phone.

If your fantasy is short and simple and you’re watching your money then 15 minutes should be plenty enough time to talk to an operator that you like…. and to have a lot of fun.

If your fantasy is detailed, complex, or will take a bit of time to explain it to the operator you should look at 30 minutes and possibly more. But 30 minutes is a very good start.

Technically the amount of time that you purchase with a phone sex operator is really dependent upon you. It depends on how much you want to spend and how detailed your fantasy is.

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What to Look For in a Phone Sex Service

phone sex service

There are thousands of phone sex websites on the internet. We believe that phone sex is a very personal choice and that different interests apply to all callers. But what do you know about how a phone sex company runs its business? And what SHOULD you know? How do you determine a company is a good one to call?

The  6 Important Questions to Ask yourself before you call that phone sex service!

What customer service support is available? Remember you will be giving out not just personal info about your sexual fantasies but your credit card information.  Are there contact details on the website in the case of a billing error? This is so important. Mistakes unintentionally happen in billing often enough that you need to know who and how to contact the right person to take care of this issue. Human beings do the billing and humans can make mistakes. All companies will fix a billing error that was made on their part. If you are nervous about spending money or giving out details contact the company owner or manager first and see if they can put you at ease. A good phone sex company is obviously going to want to make sure you are not worried about billing.

Is there legal information, policies, terms, and procedures available on the website? Merchant banks require this sort of information to be posted on a website. Not only is it a good practice in general… it is REQUIRED. As a customer, you should know your rights.

How do they accept payments? Phone Sex is an adult service that requires a special merchant account to accept credit cards. Paypal, CashApp, Venmo, and Stripe are just a few types of billing processors that do NOT allow adult services.  If a company is accepting these types of payments you should worry a bit. It means they are not following the “rules” and their business may not be fully legit.  And as a client, you should not use these services to make a payment as you are risking your own account being closed. A company accepting credit cards has to submit tons of paperwork about their company and their business practices are investigated. The rules for adult businesses are VERY strict.

What methods of Contact are on the website? A quality company offers many means of contact and is available for communication with you. If you can not find a way to contact an owner or manager then think twice about using that service. A customer service number is important and so is email. You should find more than one way to contact that company. Scams hide… a true business does not!

What’s the content of the website? A pretty design that is cute is fine, but what does the website really SAY to you? We know when searching for phone sex that much of the blood has drained from your brain and gone “south”. But please READ a website over before you make a purchase. This applies to literally any business. Ask yourself how professional it seems. Is it designed well? Are all of the details you need easy to find? Is the service “fishing with a wide net” or “keyword stuffing”? These are a few poor practices that an unprofessional service will do to try and hit every fetish under the sun. Think about their strategy and point with content. Sure you want some freebies like free pictures and stuff. But really read the content. Make sure a website is “open” and “inviting” to you and FEELS safe.

Are the billing details clear and safe? Read that billing info and any FAQ page on the site too before you hand out your credit card number. Beware of connection fees, added fees, more charges, and so forth. You should know how is your credit card information accepted and who all sees it or has access to it.

Obviously, there are other important factors to which phone sex service you choose to use. It has to appeal to you sexually too. But please never forget about the professional business side of things. You want to “get off” and never get “ripped off”.