A Beginner’s Guide to Phone Sex

how to have phone sex


You’re new to phone sex, right? Maybe you even think it’s lame or out of date and not cool anymore? You’d be wrong of course because there is more phone sex happening right now than you can imagine. I don’t just mean with the phone sex service, long-distance relationships have phone sex, covid lockdowns created a ton of new people interested in phone sex because it was all they had available. And yes phone sex services like this one still exist and thrive.

What’s the point of phone sex you ask? Well, first of all, you have to get rid of those stereotypes you’ve heard. Phone sex operators are real women, with their own personal tastes, and their own lives, sometimes they have partners too that do not share their sexual tastes. Phone Sex services are not just moaning and groaning calls. An operator has a personality, talents, sexual knowledge, and they do not judge callers! Imagine sharing your deepest desires with NO JUDGEMENT!

Phone Sex is about open communication with another person who wants to engage in a perverse conversation with you. It can be steamy HOT and result in some serious masturbation. You also get to use your imagination which is often much better than porn.

And why should you pay for it? Let me give you some very valid and good reasons to do so.

It’s extremely difficult to find a good phone sex partner without paying for it. Of course, it can happen but it is more difficult. Sometimes it comes with its own set of problems. Maybe the chick is not into getting really nasty because she is shy. Or worse, the chick you meet online for some fun gets attached to you.

When you pay for phone sex you are paying for a lovely lady who isn’t shy, probably has no limits on the topics she’ll talk about, and is not afraid of dirty words. They are not afraid to be shocked or to shock YOU. Sex talk can turn into serious fantasy exploration.

Phone sex operators are always creative Ladies and know how to weave a story together if you only want to listen, and they have advanced communication skills.

When you pay for phone sex you are getting to talk to a lady who is experienced adventurous and eager to please you with no other strings attached. You don’t have to buy her a gift and you don’t have to make any promises, so it’s much less work than going on a date and wondering all night if you’re going to get lucky.

I’ll also add that phone sex is CHEAPER than going on a date. No dinner, no movie, no flowers, no gas money, no shaving, showering, new clothes, or any of that. You can make a call seem like a date with interaction, and small talk, and then get down to the nasty. Or you can have a quickie and hang up the phone to move forward with your day/evening.

Sex, in general, requires clear and honest communication, and with phone sex you can’t see one another so you can literally say or discuss ANYTHING! So much less embarrassment if you want to share your secret fetish!

You can experiment just as you might try to check out different porn videos to see what tickles your pickle. You can just have casual sexual discussions, mutual masturbation, complex roleplays, or simply listen to a hot chick tell you a filthy sex story. You can get to know a woman a bit without her declaring ownership over you.

There are no big commitments to using a phone sex service either. Try it once. Call 60 times. Whatever you want you can have. You can develop an ongoing sexy partnership with one operator or talk to several different ones depending on your mood.

Phone sex is safe sex. It’s not physically cheating, and it’s so much less expensive than you might think it is.

How Long Should a Phone Sex Session Be?

phone sex


Sometimes new clients ask for the phone sex operator’s suggestion on how long a phone sex session should be. There is no correct answer to this because it really depends on you.

Phone sex is a highly individualized experience but it’s also a financial one. My honest suggestion to anyone who may be new to phone sex or trying out a new operator for the very first time… is to always opt for the shortest amount of time. You want to make sure you are billed properly and correctly, and that you also connect well with the operator. But for a future call, you may want to do a more complex role-play, a fantasy, or even talk longer in general.

So, let’s go back to our question how long should a phone sex session be? I’m going to give you the guidelines I suggest to clients on the phone.

If your fantasy is short and simple and you’re watching your money then 15 minutes should be plenty enough time to talk to an operator that you like…. and to have a lot of fun.

If your fantasy is detailed, complex, or will take a bit of time to explain it to the operator you should look at 30 minutes and possibly more. But 30 minutes is a very good start.

Technically the amount of time that you purchase with a phone sex operator is really dependent upon you. It depends on how much you want to spend and how detailed your fantasy is.

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What to Look For in a Phone Sex Service

phone sex service

There are thousands of phone sex websites on the internet. We believe that phone sex is a very personal choice and that different interests apply to all callers. But what do you know about how a phone sex company runs its business? And what SHOULD you know? How do you determine a company is a good one to call?

The  6 Important Questions to Ask yourself before you call that phone sex service!

What customer service support is available? Remember you will be giving out not just personal info about your sexual fantasies but your credit card information.  Are there contact details on the website in the case of a billing error? This is so important. Mistakes unintentionally happen in billing often enough that you need to know who and how to contact the right person to take care of this issue. Human beings do the billing and humans can make mistakes. All companies will fix a billing error that was made on their part. If you are nervous about spending money or giving out details contact the company owner or manager first and see if they can put you at ease. A good phone sex company is obviously going to want to make sure you are not worried about billing.

Is there legal information, policies, terms, and procedures available on the website? Merchant banks require this sort of information to be posted on a website. Not only is it a good practice in general… it is REQUIRED. As a customer, you should know your rights.

How do they accept payments? Phone Sex is an adult service that requires a special merchant account to accept credit cards. Paypal, CashApp, Venmo, and Stripe are just a few types of billing processors that do NOT allow adult services.  If a company is accepting these types of payments you should worry a bit. It means they are not following the “rules” and their business may not be fully legit.  And as a client, you should not use these services to make a payment as you are risking your own account being closed. A company accepting credit cards has to submit tons of paperwork about their company and their business practices are investigated. The rules for adult businesses are VERY strict.

What methods of Contact are on the website? A quality company offers many means of contact and is available for communication with you. If you can not find a way to contact an owner or manager then think twice about using that service. A customer service number is important and so is email. You should find more than one way to contact that company. Scams hide… a true business does not!

What’s the content of the website? A pretty design that is cute is fine, but what does the website really SAY to you? We know when searching for phone sex that much of the blood has drained from your brain and gone “south”. But please READ a website over before you make a purchase. This applies to literally any business. Ask yourself how professional it seems. Is it designed well? Are all of the details you need easy to find? Is the service “fishing with a wide net” or “keyword stuffing”? These are a few poor practices that an unprofessional service will do to try and hit every fetish under the sun. Think about their strategy and point with content. Sure you want some freebies like free pictures and stuff. But really read the content. Make sure a website is “open” and “inviting” to you and FEELS safe.

Are the billing details clear and safe? Read that billing info and any FAQ page on the site too before you hand out your credit card number. Beware of connection fees, added fees, more charges, and so forth. You should know how is your credit card information accepted and who all sees it or has access to it.

Obviously, there are other important factors to which phone sex service you choose to use. It has to appeal to you sexually too. But please never forget about the professional business side of things. You want to “get off” and never get “ripped off”.


What Makes a Great Phone Sex Service

phone sex operators

In today’s competitive phone sex environment where thousands of sites show up in any search engine…it’s important that the phone sex service be one that provides true value to the caller.  That means positive treatment, great phone sex operators, freedom, honest billing, and affordable rates!

Callers need to be treated like real people! You are an individual and need to be treated as a human being, not just another guy in line with a ticket “number” in your hand. Not every caller will like a girl, not every guy with a specific fetish wants to hear the same thing. Callers are all different.

Phone Sex Operators should be different too. They should have different personalities, different “looks”, different ages, and especially voices! The voice is king in phone sex. If the ladies you talk to all do the same exact fetishes or fantasies the same way it’s possible they were TRAINED to do the calls. That’s no fun for the caller. Find ladies who work from home, have varied interests and specialties.

In phone sex, it’s also not always about just a cute photo or a pretty flower themed website either. The fact is you also want to have FREEDOM of expression as an individual. That means your fetish or fantasy is a part of who you are. To deny your topic of interest, to deny your fantasy because it is considered too taboo; is an insult. Why would your freedom of expression be denied?  Why would any company have terms of services that limit what makes a horny sexy guy happy? Phone sex is just “talk” isn’t it?

Lastly, let’s not forget another really important factor; private billing and stability. You don’t want to call a phone sex girl and have to rely on her solely for proper timing or billing of your call do you? There is so much room for error. Then two weeks later you go to the site you bookmarked only to find it gone? Or maybe there is just no contact information on it to even fix a billing mistake. Look for a company with longevity.


Phone Sex Services

phone sex services

Phone Sex Services allow you to act out a fantasy or roleplay without causing harm to anyone else. You can go as dark and taboo as you’d like to share things that you would never tell your friends!

Phone Sex Services allow you to be whomever you want without any questions or judgments. Try playing a new role; after all, no one really knows you on the phone.

Phone Sex Services are also very convenient. You can usually call anytime, from anywhere, and get connected to a sexy woman. And you never have to think about foreplay!

Many callers call from home, their cars, the office, etc. A Phone Sex Service is also in the business of “Privacy” and “Discretion”. They are skilled and professional about keeping your secrets safe.

Phone Sex Services allow you to add another dimension of sexuality to your life without hurting anyone else. If you are married but don’t want to cheat on your spouse, phone sex is the easiest and safest way to do it. There is no physical contact involved, it’s no different than you watching a porn video and jerking off. Although phone sex is a bit more intimate because you have that immediate interaction with another person.

Phone services are cheaper than a date. No drinks, dinners, movies, or the like. You don’t have to get dressed up and there is no need to try and impress an operator. You can just be you. It’s so easy. You dial the phone and get ready to bone! A phone sex operator is a talented and creative female who will get right down to it with you!

Phone Sex is an erotic form of entertainment that provides a safe outlet for your sexual fantasies. Operators are skilled and much kinkier than trying to find some casual fling online.

If you have never tried phone sex then you don’t even know if you like it. I have never once heard a caller say they hated it. The reason is simple, it’s just more fun than jerking off alone.


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